Creative Content

Project Details

Monthly Bar Method Newsletter

The goal of The Bar Method monthly newsletter is to engage, inform, and inspire the community by providing valuable content, promoting upcoming events and classes, sharing success stories, and offering exclusive offers. My objective is to strengthen customer relationships, enhance brand loyalty, and drive participation in the Bar Methods programs and services.

Project Details

Monthly BEA Newsletter

The goal of the monthly BEA newsletter is to engage, inform, and inspire the community by providing valuable content, promoting upcoming events and showcasing how the non profit arm of Bexa is making an impact in women's health care. My objective for this newsletter is drive donations and find sponsors to host community hubs so more women can access life saving breast cancer exams.

Newsletters are crucial in marketing because they foster ongoing customer engagement, build brand loyalty, and provide a direct channel for sharing valuable content, promotions, and updates, ultimately driving customer retention and sales.

Open Rate:

Average: 15-25%

Industry-specific rates can vary; for example, the fitness industry often sees higher open rates around 20-30%.

Click-Through Rate

Average: 2-5%

This measures how many recipients clicked on links within the newsletter.

Conversion Rate:

Average: 1-3%

This indicates the percentage of recipients who completed a desired action.

Forward/Share Rate:

Average: 5-10%

This measures how often recipients share the newsletter with others.

E-books, Programs, & Challenges

Project Details

Lead Magnet:

5 Day Healthy Habit Challenge E-Book


Healthy Habits You Can Start Today

Do you feel like your physical or emotional health is falling behind these days? Have you created some big health-related goals you are having trouble reaching? If so, it is time to form some healthy habits. Your habits should always be formed before setting goals, as this is exactly what is going to help achieve those goals.

Here are some healthy habits you can start doing today that will make a big difference in your overall health and wellness.


This lead magnet was created for a health coach that was looking to grow her email list and sign clients for a personalized 1:1 coaching package. She offered a live 5 day challenge that was hosted in a private Facebook group.

Result: 350 challenge sign ups and 5 sign ups for a high ticket 1:1 health coaching package.

Project Details

Lead Magnet:

Simple Smoothies E-Book


Simple Smoothie Recipes to Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine

Adding smoothies as part of your daily routine is a simple way to find balance & flow in your daily life. Smoothies can help reduce stress & anxiety, create a healthy relationship with food & exercise, & develop a strong mind/ body connection so you can live healthier & happier with ease!


This lead magnet was created for a yoga teacher & health coach that was looking to grow her email list and Instagram following.

Result: 1550 + downloads and 175 organic followers on IG.

Lead magnets are crucial in marketing because they attract potential customers by offering valuable content or incentives in exchange for contact information, thereby building a targeted email list and nurturing leads through the sales funnel.

Project Details

Nutrition & Fitness Challenge :

28 To Great Challenge


28 Day Challenge at Bar Method Studio

The next four weeks are going to be amazing. We’re going to make tremendous changes not only in how we look … but also in how we feel. That’s because this is NOT just a 4-week “quick-fix” transformation challenge, this is a lifestyle change that will benefit your mind and body for long after the 28 days. We’re going to revamp your body with nourishing foods and lots of tucks and shakes and reduce stress for your mind with simple self care techniques, and leave your spirit feeling invigorated. And it’s going to be fun!


This challenge was designed to engage current Bar Method members and generate additional revenue for the small business owner. She also wanted to use the results as testimonials to be shared via blog, newsletters, and social media.

Result: 50 sign ups= $10,000

In-person, live challenges are crucial because they foster community engagement, increase member motivation and accountability, and provide a unique, immersive experience that enhances customer loyalty and retention.

Project Details

Nutrition Challenge:

Eat Your Way Healthy in 5 Days

Overview:5 Day Cleaning Eating Guide

Say goodbye to low energy, sugar cravings, poor sleep, and belly bloat; and say hello to more energy, glowing skin, and a renewed you. Are you ready? First, let me tell you what was depleting me – STRESS. “Stress” is a generic term that we hear every day, but what is it really, and what does it mean for the body?

Stress isn't always bad. What's bad is CHRONIC stress. This is what happens when you're not nourishing your body with healthy supporting foods and calming self-care activities on a regular basis. Let's face it we live in a pretty stressful world. Stress is the number one cause of illness and disease of modern times. Chronic stress leads to digestive distress, aging, weight gain, trouble sleeping and so much more. The good news is that when you nourish your body with whole foods and holistic practices you strengthen your force field and protect yourself against the harmful effects that stress can have on the body and mind.


This program was designed to engage a nutritionists email list with a low ticket item that put warm leads into her marketing funnel. She used this live 5 day nutrition program to re-engage her email list, generate revenue and segment clients to pitch a high ticket offer.

Result: $3,500 in sales

Offering a low-ticket program is crucial because it attracts a broader audience, provides valuable introductory content, and helps build a targeted email list, which can be nurtured into long-term, higher-value clients.