
Project details

Highlight how the Bar Method is a safe and effective exercise for expectant mothers.

What Is Prenatal Fitness?

One of the most common questions expectant mothers have is, “Can I workout when pregnant?” Fortunately, the answer is typically an emphatic yes: Exercise and pregnancy are the perfect pair.

According to guidelines set forth by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women are encouraged to exercise regularly throughout all three trimesters — as long as they’re given the green light from their doctors first. Be sure to speak with your physician at your initial prenatal appointment to make sure that exercise is safe for you and the baby before starting or continuing any workout program. Most pregnant women can aim for approximately 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. Working out while pregnant is one of the best ways to keep you and your baby healthy. Furthermore, prenatal fitness is shown to reduce the risk of discomfort and complications in pregnancy. Prenatal fitness can all benefit you in other ways, outside of your pregnancy. It gives expecting mothers a chance to get out and socialize which can help boost mood and energy levels.

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Highlight how the Bar Method technique improves posture and why it's is so important.

Why is posture so important?

Your posture is affected by a multitude of external factors. Things like genetics play a role, but so do your daily rituals, positions, and habits. Hectic routines and mobile lifestyles contribute to bad habits and bad posture. Slouching in chairs, carrying heavy backpacks or purses, and staring down at your phone can cause postural issues which can lead to more severe issues like neck pain, shoulder impingement, carpal tunnel, back pain, tendonitis, and injury over time. The silver lining? It’s never too late to correct your posture! From making simple changes in your daily routine and fitness routine, you can reduce body pain and improve your posture in only a matter of time.

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Highlight Maternal Mental Health Month and bring awareness to the community about expectant mothers facing health challenges such as cancer and how that plays a role in mental health.

Maternal Mental Health Month Spotlight

In recognition of Maternal Mental Health Month, it is crucial to shed light on the stories that encapsulate the intersection of pregnancy and health challenges. One such story is that of Liza Pruna, who, through her battles and triumphs, has become a beacon of hope and resilience for many. This month, we spotlight Liza's personal narrative—not just as a tale of overcoming but as a critical conversation starter about the support pregnant mothers battling cancer desperately need. 

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Highlight clinical trials and there impact on young women who have been diagnosed with cancer.

A Tale of Strength, Advocacy, and Unveiling Disparities

In December of 2022, Candice Coleman embarked on a journey of self-discovery that would profoundly alter the course of her life. While inherently in tune with her body, she was startled to discover a pea-sized lump in her right breast, an unprecedented revelation that prompted a cascade of emotions. Initially, Candice attributed the lump to hormonal fluctuations, only to realize that her menstrual cycle, expected that week, had taken an unexpected turn. It was this pivotal moment that marked the beginning of her unique and inspiring story. 

Candice’s recent conversation with us illuminated her resilience and unwavering openness about her experiences. She graciously shared her personal journey, emphasizing the vital importance of advocacy and self-awareness in the face of life-altering challenges. Despite the hurdles, Candice’s strength shines through, making her not only a survivor but a potent advocate for others grappling with similar circumstances. 

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Highlight the power of early detection and showcase the stats of young women being diagnosed with cancer.

The Power of Early Detection and Advocacy

Life can take unexpected turns, and sometimes, those unexpected turns lead us down paths we never imagined. For most people, a breast cancer diagnosis is one of those life-altering events. For Tiara Neal it was a chance to advocate for change and inspire women everywhere. Today she shares her inspiring story where she was in a life-changing battle with breast cancer. She emerged not only as a survivor but as a passionate advocate for change. Let us delve into her story, her challenges, and her message of strength and hope.

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